Tuesday, 17 February 2009

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Am inceput astazi sa creez o lista de cuvante problematice in limba romana din punctul de vedere al traducatorului (vezi jos, stanga: Romanian-English transferral problems; My pet translation difficulties). Mai multe dintre ele sunt cuvante culturale. Probabil trebuie sa fac si o lista asemanatoare de cuvante englezesti care nu pot fi tradusa in romana... Orice contributie este bine primita...

I today began to put together my list of Romanian words which pose problems for translators (See below, left: Romanian-English transferral problems; My pet translation difficulties). Most of them are cultural words. I should probably get a similar list together of English words which can't easily be translated in Romanian...
All contributions are gratefully received....

1 comment:

veverita said...

I am in accord with you .The translator is a writer.Unfortunately ,we think in our language.
Good luck in your attempt!
I like your blog,it's very interesting.