Wednesday, 7 January 2009

New link: Departamentul Muncii, versiunea engleza

Prietenilor si studentilor mei dragi,
daca va simtiti, de cand in cand, prost la engleza; daca vi se pare ca nu faceti progres deloc; daca sunteti de nivel intermediar sau mai sus, la engleza, este timpul sa aflati cum se descurca asa-numitul 'profesionist' in domeniu, la nivelul guvernamental...
Sunteti pregatiti? Bine, clichuiti atunci link-ul de jos, stanga, numit 'Department of Employment'.
Mai lesne este sa treaca camila prin urechile acului decat sa intre un traducator strain in Departamentul Muncii sa lucreze, atunci ca Englezul nenorocit care vine in tara, si care incearca sa se informeze, se va incurca imediat!
Distractii placute! (Sper ca acum nu veti mai uita ca-i 'subject-verb-[object]'la propozitii afirmative in limba engleza!)

(An invitation to dispirited students of English to see another example of Romanglish from 'professionals' - this time from the Romanian Department of Employment [i.e. work & pensions] - no wonder so few English work in Romania! Click the link below left, under 'Real Romanglish', and enjoy!)


veverita said...

I like your new foto.
Tu crezi ca in romaneste se intelege mare lucru?Oricum e complicat ceea ce vrei tu sa citesti.
Ideea e sa nu pricepi.

claudette said...

I like your blog very much because I have the opportunity to communicate in english.I have been taking a course at the CLASS (where you are teacher).Sorry for my bead english ,but unfortunately I can't speack as well as I understand .I hope at the end at this course I will be prepared to have a good conversation.

cowpants said...

Hi Claudette, good for you! Keep exercising that language muscle! by the way, why haven't we met (or is Claudette a nickname?) If you haven't done so already, you should come along to our conversation club on Tuesdays (e moka!)....

cowpants said...

Hi Veverita!
Multumesc pt. contributie.

Darrr... maybe I missed something here - you are defending the elected representatives of your BECAUSE they can't write their own mother tongue, and then excusing the official translator (who is paid from public funds - YOUR POCKET!) for not being able to put it into readable English?

Ce punct de vedere interesant! Sa traiasca bine tara dumneata!

Uite puiul, documentul respectiv este destinat publicului englez. Omul pe strada! Nu ti se pare normal atunci ca sa fie scris in limba engleza?

Daca nu pricep, nu este din motivul lipsei de experienta. In cursul anului 2000 - 2001 lucream in calitate de consilier Viza (calificat) in Anglia; majoritatea dintre clientii mei vroiau sa lucreze, ori in Anglia, ori in alta tara europeana. Atunci pot sa zic cu siguranta ca am citit sute de astfel de documente!

Thanks for visiting my page - drop by again soon!