Some rather nice contributions just in...
In an American film (the contributor was unable to remember the title), the subtitler had rendered “Give me a whisky, on the rocks” as
“Da-mi un whisky, pe stânci” (be assured that the bar in question was not on an offshore lighthouse!)
And “...we'll meet two blocks away, on the corner” as
“ intâlnim după două blocuri, la colţ” (thus referring to two [tower block] buildings instead of two streets).
Thanks to Alex Bologa for those.
Ioana has submitted the following via email: “the other day [I] was watching TV, on FocusTV channel, and they translated the expression 'catch 22' as
'prinde 22' ...haha!” Ha ha is correct – colloquialisms rarely translate word-for-word!
She adds: “The best source [of Romanglish] can be the movies on JETIX, for kids. Eg. the movie H2O just add water; they voice-over translated what must've been 'I cannot get a hold on Zane' [sic] as
'Nu pot sa pun stâpanire pe Zane' (said by Zane's father, while desperately trying to call him).
Thanks again Ioana! [NB for the English reader
'a pune stâpanire' in Romanian means to control or capture].
Meanwhile, I found
'Rondele de calamar' (squid rings) translated as 'squid washers' in the menu of a classy seafood restaurant south of Constanţa! Nice touch! ('washers' I presume in the sense of metal rings used in light engineering; no doubt that old tradition of
traducerea cu dicţionar in mâna [lit. translation with dictionary in hand] is to blame...).
A complaint came from a client, last week, that I had used the word 'spirits' at the top of a drinks list on his restaurant menu. Apparently he has looked in his dictionary and the word means 'soul' or sometimes 'ghost'; the holy spirit etc. I wanted to tell him that alcohol is a religion in the UK, but I restrained myself and recommended that he should buy a more comprehensive dictionary...
...last month, a similar situation arose when I (correctly) translated
'somn' as 'catfish' and
'rapane' as 'whelks'; the client insisted that 'catfish' was
'pisica de mare' [lit. cat of the sea] (only in name, my dear sir;
'pisica de mare', unfortunately, is a stingray! - see
Romanglish in the restaurant). His objection to 'whelk' was that this word – according to his dictionary – means 'a fresh wound or reddening of the skin, e.g. following a whiplash'. (Whelk, then? Or welt?! A lesson to us all never to rely on bilingual dictionaries!).
Hopefully more examples or real Romanglish will follow, now that the new menus are out for the summer season; keep your eyes peeled...! I look forward to receiving more contributions from you all...