Sunday, 30 November 2008

For English-only people, in summary....

The previous post is an apology to Romanians lest my endeavours be interpreted as a Mickey-taking exercise. It summarises my purpose and intentions, which is/are as follow - to provide real-life examples of transferral difficulties and language barriers (principally - but not only - when working from Romanian to English, which has become my field of work). I hope that friends and colleagues in the business will submit their own examples as well as exploiting this site as a forum for discussion and problem solving.
I have also invited them to respond to my observations on Romanglish with comments on my Englanian - the poll gives four possible judgements in this respect:

1. You've crucified my mother tongue
2. Your Romanian is crap (literally 'steamed cabbage')
3. Have another drink! ('mai bea una' appears under the cap of non-winning bottles in beer promotions)
4. I'm not worried, I speak English anyway

If you are a non-Romanian speaker, some of the links and posts etc. here will make no sense at all. On the other hand there is a lot here for you too, especially if you like travel, or work in modern languages; open your mind and click some links!

If you have never visited Romania, I have posted the English version of the tourism brochure I've been working on, FYI. The French, German and Russian versions will follow (all visually different). The pictures are mostly mine. Other similar works will follow, as well as a portfolio of photographs I've taken around the country (when time permits).

Welcome on board, keep dropping by for new stuff!

Thursday, 20 November 2008

Despre scopul blogului si limba englaniana

Este primul meu blog. Habar nu am in exact ce directia va merge, sau cine il va citi. Oricum, bine v-am gasit. Va rog frumos nu va suparati daca fac misto in ceea ce priveste limba engleza scrisa de romani - aveti drept la replica! (Mai ales despre o alta limba minoritara - englaniana... a mea, dar nu numai).
Probabil am mai multe sanse sa gasesc materiale bune, find ca stau in tara voastra intr-un oras turistic, dar abia astept feed-back-ul (!) vostru. Daca gasiti, de exemplu, romana scrisa varza in tara mea, vreau si eu sa rad.
Sper eventual si sa post-ez/-esc ?) ceva mai academic despre problemele specifice ale limbii engleze la romani, cu scop de a ajuta pe cine intereseaza. De asemeana, vor fi afisate si discutii despre probleme de traducere .
Trebuie mentionat ca daca sunt profesor calificat de limba engleza, sunt doar student de limba romana. Daca scriu aiurea acum, asa e. Este complicata, gramatica voastra, cu sau fara 'ajutorul' palincii.....
In ceea ce priveste job-ul meu ca traducator mentionat mai sus, nu radeti! Nu traduc din engleza in romana decat in caz exceptional, in capacitate de colaborator, (in schimb consider ca lucrarile mele din limba romana in limba engleza sunt destul de profesionale!).
Gata! I'll be back :)